As you know, we recently renovated our stained glass windows. I decided to rest in one of the rockers and play some hymns in the sanctuary while I observed and soaked in the beautiful light shining through them. I recognized the names on the windows — Mrs. Henry Farr, Henry and Jane Farr, John M. Burt, N. S. Mundy, John and Emily Minier, Owen, Jennie Rowley Griffin, and the children in the ‘Christian Endeavor’ group. I was surrounded by early church members and families. I thought to myself that when we form the Unity Circle around the church to sing “Blest Be the Tie That Binds” we are the inner circle of families expressing and sharing our love and faith for ourselves and for our community.On September 8th we will start up 10:30 Worship, Choir, & Sunday School for yet another year in our church history. We will also have Communion and form the Unity Circle once again. I would like us to celebrate what Jesus has taught us as a family. I would like our little but mighty church to make a difference in our world and community. I would like as many children and families to be in church as possible so we can experience and know better the love that Christ provides.See you soon!
Peace and Love,